Many years ago the TV mini-series Roots catapulted to fame Alex Haley, the African-American author whose
book had traced in captivating words the record of the hardships of his forebears. This book too is about roots, for
ultimately it deals with the "roots" of our planet and how and when it came into existence. My method of tracing
those roots has been through probing the historical "records" of Earth's basement rocks. This quest for truth about
origins unfolds a personal odyssey about my experiences in exploring the microscopic world enclosed within the
foundation rocks of the earth. The central thesis of this book is that the Creator left decisive evidence enabling us to
identify Earth's Genesis rocks. But genuine evidence for creation falsifies the evolution model of origins,
irrespective of how many pieces of the evolutionary puzzle seem to fit together.
Ironically this edition's publication can be traced to the evolutionists themselves; it is they who are causing
interest in it to continue to grow. Their actions are revealing something to the public about the workings of the
scientific establishment previously hidden from view. It all can be traced to the culture of the day which, with
strong backing from the media, has elevated scientists in general and evolutionists in particular to a preeminent
status in society. This culture promotes modern scientists as being open-minded, always anxious to investigate and
accept any discovery that might question, challenge, or overturn any well-established scientific theory, however
esteemed that theory may be. It's a culture that strongly promotes the scientific community's protocol for
communication through peer-reviewed scientific journals. The crucial link missing from this culture is that all
evolutionary theories are critically hinged on a set of assumptions which my discoveries disprove. The public
generally has no awareness of this most important fact because those controlling the scientific journals have long
projected evolutionary underlying assumptions are beyond question. Thus the public believes any claim of
significant contradiction to the theory of evolution repeatedly published in leading scientific journals would
immediately become the centerpiece of worldwide scientific inquiry.
Even more than this book's earlier editions, of which this one is a replica except for minor updates, the lapse of
time has now proven this perception is a myth. What has occurred since the earlier editions were published should
open the eyes of all who are seeking for truth about origins. In particular, my many publications in the world's
leading scientific journals have stood for decades as a continuing invitation for the world's scientific evolutionary
elite to investigate and respond to—and if possible refute—my published evidence of God's tiny
mystery of creation in the [p. xiii] rocks He created. Of great significance is the fact that editors of these journals
would have published long ago anything that genuinely refuted this scientific evidence, if such had been
forthcoming. Indeed, the reason I spent decades publishing in those peer-reviewed journals was to give eminent
evolutionists the best opportunity to refute the evidence for creation before the global scientific community. Their
failure to do so has given them opportunity to forthrightly admit in those same scientific journals that evolution's
basic assumptions are falsified by the scientific discoveries that confirm Earth is the product of a virtually
instantaneous creation. But that hasn't happened.
Instead there has only been a deafening silence in those journals for over two decades concerning this evidence
of Earth's rapid creation, a silence that reveals neither the world's scientific elite nor anyone else has a genuine
answer for God's great works of creation. It also clearly proves that the world's evolutionary establishment is
adamantly opposed to exposing their failure to the attention of the world. So they continue to keep this issue buried
from public view. Their conspiracy of silence shows they face an impossible task. Whereas evolutionary geology's
cornerstone assumption is that granite rocks formed naturally under the same physical laws now observed, all the
many laboratory attempts to verify this hypothesis have failed. First Corinthians 1:27 aptly describes their
frustration from continuing efforts to deny this result: "But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to
confound the wise. . . ." Yes, their utter failure to synthesize natural granite rocks and their enclosed
creation halos proves the stones are crying out (Luke 19:40). God not only placed His record of Earth's rapid
creation in its Genesis rocks, the granites, but also devised a way so that all seeking the truth about our beginnings
could arrive at certainty in their search by observing the inability of scientists to refute the evidence for
The Great 21st Century Scientific Watergate involves not just a few persons, as in the political
situation of the 1970s, but the worldwide community of evolutionists and scientific journal editors who are engaged
in suppressing this evidence. This Watergate is not confined to discoveries of Earth's rapid creation and young age.
My ongoing research in the last decade or so has resulted in two exciting new astronomical and cosmic discoveries,
the first, that of finding a fatal flaw in Big Bang cosmology. This led to the second, rather amazing discovery of a
new model of the cosmos with a nearby universal Center, so close in fact that it may be within our Galaxy. A
scientific report describing this discovery, titled "A New Redshift Interpretation," was published in Modern Physics
Letters A, Vol. 12, No. 37 (1997).
On February 28, 2001, ten additional scientific papers describing this model, and also proving why the Big
Bang is invalid, were deleted by scientists at the Los Alamos National Laboratory before their scheduled release to
the world on the arXiv, the National Science Foundation-sponsored e-print server that has now become the
accepted medium of rapid communication for all fields of physics. [p. xiv] Administration of this U. S.
government-sponsored arXiv has since been transferred to Cornell University, and both they and the NSF continue
the same censorship that was begun at Los Alamos. This extraordinary censorship proves astronomers are even
more concerned than geologists of the reverberations that will occur if these papers are released to the worldwide
scientific community. Thus to preserve the status quo they are willing to deny me First Amendment rights of
freedom of speech. Readers can better understand the reason for their desperation efforts to suppress these ten
papers as they now see their main title, "Flaws in the Big Bang Point to GENESIS, A New Millennium
Model of the Cosmos." The full contents of these papers, plus details of my ongoing attempts to overturn the
discriminatory actions of evolutionary astronomers and cosmologists, are described on The U.
S. Congress needs to know that the NSF, which is authorized by it to impartially support scientific research in all
disciplines, has acted directly contrary to its Congressional mandate by agreeing to continue to suppress the release
of my papers on the NSF-Cornell sponsored arXiv. American taxpayers—especially those who have
Christian beliefs—need to know their monies are being used by the NSF to squelch scientific evidence for
God's creatorship of the universe, just as surely as other evolutionists in high places are suppressing discussion of
my published scientific papers of His rapid creation of the Earth.
Readers may access
and for updates on my ongoing interaction with the
scientific community, and through this latter site they may also find how to obtain our two video/DVD
documentaries, Fingerprints of Creation and The Young Age of the Earth, both of which have aired on various
public television stations. This book and these videos point to one great scientific fact: the One and only Creator
God chose to call attention to the literal Genesis six-day creation of the Earth as given in the Fourth Commandment
(Exodus 20:8-11), "For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the
seventh day: Wherefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day and hallowed it." Thus God's imprinting Earth's
foundation rocks, the granites (p. 323), with creation halos, His unique signature of its rapid creation (Psalms 33:6,
9), forever links the Creator of the universe with His Ten Commandments, and shows this Creation Commandment
is as immutable as God Himself. Significant affirmation of this great truth comes from my recent discovery that
this tiny mystery of creation is embedded within the Mt. Sinai granite, the same rock God used to inscribe the Ten
Commandments given to Moses (Exodus 34:1-4).
Finally, I have been exceptionally fortunate that my wife, Patricia, daughter, Patti Lynn, and sons, Michael and
David, have been supporters throughout the many years of my research. This book could not have been written
without my wife's unfailing assistance. She collaborated on many of the chapters and oversaw all editorial changes
during the numerous manuscript revisions. And we remain greatly indebted to those who continue to pray for our