Chapter 14: Creation Confronts Evolution
Creation/Evolution Newsletter Attacks Polonium Halo Evidence
Publications of much less significance than Physics Today are also involved in the creation/evolution
controversy. A notable example of this is the Creation/Evolution Newsletter, edited by Karl Fezer of
Concord College, Athens, West Virginia. This newsletter is reputed to be "dedicated to defending and enhancing
the integrity of science education." Its contents include newspaper clippings supportive of evolution, news of the
activities of certain creation scientists, and comments putting down scientists or theologians who support biblical
creation. One issue of this newsletter printed a letter about my work preceded by these editorial remarks:
[p. 182]
Robert V. Gentry is widely regarded as one of the more conscientious and scholarly creationists. His
research on radioactive halos is in a field outside the expertise of most scientists. Gentry's arguments are
criticized by G. BRENT DALRYMPLE, U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, CA, in the following letter to
Kevin H. Wirth, Director of Research, Students for Origins Research, Santa Barbara, CA: (Fezer 1985,12)
Dalrymple charges in his letter (Dalrymple 1985; Appendix) that my creation model is "unscientific" and
"ridiculous," that my interpretation of the polonium halo evidence for creation is "absurd" and "naive," and that my
challenge to the scientific community to falsify my conclusions by the synthesis of a hand-sized piece of granite is
"silly," "inconclusive," and "nonsense." Another evolutionist (Osmon 1986) used Dalrymple's comments when he
published a follow-up letter in the same newsletter. My response (Gentry 1986; Appendix) to Dalrymple's
criticisms, given at the end of this book, also serves as a rebuttal to Osmon's technical comments.
Elsewhere in his letter Osmon urges that my "creation hypothesis" should be given a "thorough review," to see
whether it fits the canons of science as defined by an evolutionist philosopher (Kitcher 1982). Kitcher's book
serves two functions for all those who are adamantly opposed to creation: (1) it attempts to establish that creation
science is not true science; and (2) it constructs a philosophy of science in which evolutionists will never have to be
placed in a position where they would be forced to substantiate the basic premise of their theory with experimental
Applying one of Kitcher's criteria to my work Osmon concludes that:
. . . neither [Gentry's] hypothesis or the [his] theory provides any problem-strategy at all. If a geologist asks
how does rock with the properties of granite form, Gentry's answer is "Kazam." . . . (Osmon
This is somewhat ironic—I thought "Kazam" was the onomatopoetic description of the Big Bang!
In another place Osmon surmises that I might have proposed the falsification experiment because I knew "it
would be very expensive to perform. . ." Here Osmon unwittingly reveals a basic contradiction in his
argument. Over the last several decades countless millions of government funds have been spent on incredibly "far-
out" ventures specifically designed to test a number of evolutionary predictions—one prime example being
the costly unmanned space mission to Mars to look for evidence of the evolutionary beginning of life. This mission
failed to find any trace of even the [p. 183] most primitive forms of life. Despite this failure, evolutionists continue
to obtain funds for almost any experiment which they feel is important. We must conclude that until now
evolutionists have not been inclined to launch a full-scale effort to perform the falsification test.
But why would confirmed evolutionists want to continually postpone a confrontation based on experimental
evidence produced in the laboratory? After all, success in this experiment would be the desperately needed
evidence to show that evolution has some basis in fact, for it would substantiate the evolutionary origin of the
granites based on the uniformitarian principle. With everything at stake, why are there not scores of
dedicated evolutionists seeking to vindicate the fundamental premise that holds all of the evolutionary scenario
together? As a first step, why do they not show how polonium halos can be experimentally produced in granite that
already exists, instead of just hypothesizing about how these halos might have formed in accord with conventional
By minimizing the crucial importance of the granite synthesis experiment, Osmon has in effect deflected
attention from some important truths: all models of origins—whether based on a biblical framework, an
atheistic framework, or any combination of religious/atheistic beliefs—involve a faith factor. I have already
discussed how the Big Bang cosmological model is dependent on this faith factor. The theory of punctuated
equilibrium (quantum jumps from one species to another) also involves an immense faith factor for biologists
mainly because its basic premises are little more than idealized speculation.
The important point is that all scientific models of origins rest on certain basic premises. Thus the ultimate
scientific test of any model of origins hinges on whether its basic premises are true or false. If data are discovered
which contradict either a model's basic premises, or an undeniable consequence of those premises, then the model
is false regardless of how many pieces of data can be fitted into it. Polonium halos in Precambrian granites falsify
the entire theory of evolution because they contradict its basic premise, the uniformitarian principle. The
only way this statement can be refuted is by providing laboratory evidence showing that granites with polonium
halos can form naturally.
I do not believe that a report will ever be published describing the synthesis of a granite containing even a
single 218Po halo, much less one containing all three types. (By comparison, some natural specimens of biotite
contain thousands of 218Po halos in just one cubic centimeter.) My confidence is based on experimental data
obtained from the laboratory of nature, the ultimate proving ground for all models of origins.
[p. 184]
As detailed in Chapter 4, the secondary polonium halos in coalified wood provide demonstrative
evidence that, even under ideal conditions of high uranium concentrations and rapid transport, only the 210Po halo
type will develop secondarily from the accumulation of uranium daughter activity. In contrast, three types of
polonium halos occur in granites where both the uranium concentration and the transport conditions necessary to
produce secondary polonium halos are missing. Consequently, I maintain that all attempts to duplicate a granite
containing the three types of polonium halos will meet with failure.
In brief, the laboratory of nature has provided both positive, unambiguous evidence for a primordial
origin of polonium halos in granites as well as decisive, independent evidence against their secondary
Vistas in Creation
This book has shown a number of instances where evolutionists have misunderstood my creation model. That
model, based on the Genesis record of creation and the flood, is not restricted or at all governed by the
uniformitarian concept of a worldwide geologic column, which is based on radiometric dating and index fossil
classification. Rather it begins by connecting "In the beginning . . ." with the primordial Earth being
called into existence on Day 1 of creation week about 6000 years ago. More specifically, I envision a continual
series of geologically oriented creative events occurring throughout the 24-hour period of Day 1, with each of those
events beginning with the appropriate matter being called into existence from nothing. As mentioned in Chapter 10,
the initial state of that matter may have been a primordial liquid, which was instantly cooled to form primordial
The Precambrian granites show evidence of an instantaneous creation and hence are identified as part of the
primordial rocks of the earth; further investigations are needed to determine which additional rocks should be
classified as primordial. Those other primordial rocks could include sedimentary rocks (without fossils) as well as
some non-Precambrian granites and metamorphic rocks, such as some which occur in New England. While Day 1
includes the preeminent geological event of earth history, the geologic occurrences of Day 3 may also have been
quite significant. Specifically, the appearance of dry land out of a watery environment on Day 3 may have been
accompanied by the rapid formation of certain sedimentary rocks, in particular those that geologists classify as
Precambrian. (Initially, of course, [p. 185] these "creation-week" sedimentary rocks would have been free of
fossils.) The events of Day 3 might have included vulcanism and the formation/creation of some intrusive rocks as
well. Conceivably, there may have been limited mixing of the different created-rock types during creation
My creation model of the global flood envisions tremendous upheavals of the earth's crust and many
opportunities for the deposition, intrusion, mixing, erosion, and reorientation of different rock types. Here are some
of the possibilities: Although the flood itself lasted just a year, long-term geological effects may have lasted for
hundreds of years thereafter. For example, while the sedimentary rock formations observed in the Grand Canyon
are ascribed to the period of the flood itself, the erosional processes that cut through the freshly deposited
sediments may well have continued for a number of years after the flood. In my model the bulk of fossil-bearing
sedimentary rocks would have formed during the opening and closing stages of the flood, with lesser amounts
being formed during the long period of subsidence and run-off after the flood.
Extensive vulcanism is envisioned as occurring during the same periods, which means that opportunities
existed for the intrusion of volcanic magma into sedimentary formations. Vulcanism during and after the global
flood provides a mechanism whereby the primordial and other rocks, created during creation week, could have
mixed with flood-related volcanic and sedimentary material. To illustrate, consider that, as magma (hot fluid rock)
formed deep in the earth passes upward toward the earth's surface, it may pass through and melt, or alternatively
encapsulate, a variety of rocks, beginning with those created on Day 1 or Day 3, and extending through those
formed by volcanic and sedimentary activity during the time of the flood. Thus, when that magma finally cools to a
solid, it would be a composite of all the rocks just mentioned. If the magma temperature was not too high, then the
composite rock would contain unmelted fragments of all the rocks through which the magma had passed.
Moreover, during and after the flood there were many instances where heat and pressure from hot gases and molten
rock deep in the earth caused the uplift and intrusion of granite rock into recently deposited sediments. The hot
gases accompanying these solid granite intrusions would have turned the adjacent sediments into metamorphic
This description of my creation model is by no means exhaustive; however, I trust it will provide an expanded
framework for interpreting diverse geological data. To me the Genesis record of creation and the flood is the master
key which unlocks all of Earth's geologic history. More details about my creation model are given in the Appendix,
p. 325.