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Center of the Universe, a 28½ minute DVD video, is an absolute must see for all who have pondered whether
the glories and mysteries of the starry heavens are just a cosmic accident, or whether they instead hold a sublime but
heretofore undeciphered message from the Creator Himself.
In this documentary Drs. Robert and David Gentry unlock this
message by their amazing astronomical discovery that the universe has a nearby center that can be identified with the
location of the Great White Throne, God's dwelling place in the heavens described in the book of Revelation.
They even go so far as to suggest that this discovery may have apocalyptic implications: Did the Creator long ago plan for
this sign in the heavens to be discovered as a signal that the present age is nearing its close and will soon end with
the second coming of Christ in power and glory? It's a challenging possibility that none should ignore.